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         These are my thoughts and feelings of my Three Cups Drawing. First off, my drawing looks like three containers next to each other but not too close so that way it would avoid tangent. I drew with a graphite pencil because I wanted to make my shading and drawings precise to scale. I felt that drawing the shapes horizontally would be better because I felt that I would have more room drawing the shapes according to how they were positioned. I was also focused on proportion because I wanted to make sure that they were drawn correctly in color, shape, and size. Finally, some other things that I learned in this artwork was that it is important to include as much detail with the containers or items itself whether it is shadows, colors of the containers themselves, or the messages or brands inserted with the item. I like how I colored the caps of the Containers extremely dark because the color of them all was black. I also felt that I did okay on Height of the Bases because the very left container was the furthest away from me on the table when I drew it in class. In conclusion, that was how I felt when I drew the Three Cups Drawing in class

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